Monday, August 10, 2009

our fate

Does it take to be genius to figure you out?
Or you’re just a mystery…

Do I need codes to decipher you?
Or I just need a lot of patience to put the pieces of the puzzle together…

Either way, I did my best…
I tried and here I am once again!

I’m sitting here thinking, how easy it is to talk to a stranger
And completely open up, knowing that you’ll never see them again

And it takes a lot of patience to really know someone
To let someone into your life, not knowing if you can trust them

Being honest enough to show your real feelings
Without expectations … without hesitations

But here I am questioning myself…
Asking If I did the right thing?

Because there’s that constant doubt and fear
That you were not who I thought you were…

I tried so hard to fight what I’m feeling…
To hold back, and not to get caught up

But staying away didn’t get me very far…
And my curiosity led me straight to you

There are so many questions to ask…
But there is no time to spare!

How long should I hang on still...
When the present doesn't seem to have a future
When the truth is right infront of me...
And I'm hesitant to see!

I might not understand it now...
But it was plain and simple!

It is our fate...
And we should take it from here!

For it seems like we lost connection…
And things meant to end this way!